Online Supplemental Education For Kids: Science Labs

10 January 2023
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog


Whether your child is forced to learn remotely because they're sick or you're homeschooling your child full-time, online supplemental education for kids can be a great way to enhance learning. When utilizing online supplemental education for kids you may need to be creative when it comes to replicating science lab activities.

Here are some science activities to consider when using online supplemental education for kids:


Grasping the intricacies of the chemical reactions that make life possible can be endlessly fascinating to children. When using online supplemental education for kids to tackle subjects like chemistry, you can use household items to complete chemistry experiments.

  • Acids and Bases: At a basic level, all chemical materials broadly fall into these two categories. To create a chemistry lab for your child at home, begin the lesson by having them gather information about acids and bases from a textbook or other sources. Next, have a conversation with your child to test their knowledge, encouraging them to be curious and ask questions. Next, have them test their knowledge by setting up a lab with household items like baking soda, lemon juice, vinegar, bleach (not a great choice for smaller children without supervision), super glue, soap, and toothpaste. Have your child combine a little of each item together, in pairs. When they observe a reaction, they will know they've paired an acid and a base. You can have your child analyze their results and hypothesize about why acids and bases cause a reaction when combined.


Few things can be more breathtaking than the night sky, resplendent with stars. When integrating online supplemental education for kids into your curriculum, astronomy can be a perfect subject for creating science lab experiments.

  • Constellation Prediction: The stars provided a constant location for early explorers to chart their geolocation and find their bearings. Using basic astronomy charts on the internet, you can have your child look up the coordinates of a major constellation observable in your area. Once they look up these constellations, they can also look up the planets they can observe. After gathering the information, they can use their phone to find the coordinates in the sky. When it gets dark outside, they can use a pair of binoculars or a telescope to test their tracking skills. As your child gets more comfortable looking for stars and constellations, they can begin to locate planets based on the location of other celestial objects.